Memorial Tree Program

Memorial Tree Planting Program

Trees Help People Cope…

The idea of peaceful natural areas, forest walks and lots of lovely mature trees help people cope with the pace of modern life and with difficult family times.

At times of loss, the stability of living trees gives peace to the family and long-lasting satisfaction to the many people who will enjoy and care for the trees in the decades to come. Knowing that trees will go on giving clean water, clean air, improved soil, wildlife habitat and huge amounts of peace and quiet for the next 80 years is rather comforting too...a legacy to the family and the community.

The Rideau Valley Conservation Foundation offers a Memorial Tree Program in memory of departed loved ones or friends. We can plant healthy, locally- grown seedlings and look after them for several years on your behalf until they gradually take their place, without inscription, in a vibrant new forest of the future.

We plant and tend combinations of white cedar, white pine, red oak and sugar maple — all strong, long-lived native Canadian species that thrive in our local Rideau Valley landscape.

What We Offer

  • Single Native Tree
  • $ 25.00
  • one tree
  • planting and tending in the Rideau Valley
  • includes charitable tax receipt
  • sympathy letter to the family
  • Purchase a tree
  • Small Grove
  • $ 100.00
  • 5 trees
  • planting and tending in the Rideau Valley
  • includes charitable tax receipt
  • sympathy letter to the family
  • Purchase a Small Grove
  • Large Grove
  • $ 150.00
  • 10 trees
  • planting and tending in the Rideau Valley
  • includes charitable tax receipt
  • sympathy letter to the family
  • Purchase a Large Grove
  • Family Forest
  • $ 250.00
  • 25 trees
  • planting and tending in the Rideau Valley
  • includes charitable tax receipt
  • sympathy letter to the family
  • Purchase a Family Forest

Note: all Memorial Trees are planted without name plate or planting location identified

Rideau Valley Conservation Foundation has planted Memorial Trees in memory of:

Mr. Buckland



Mr. Jacobs




Mrs. Cloutier



























Lou Lou Abarbanel

Nelle Arbaje Abdanur

Dr. Ahmad Afshar

Arjun Aggarwal

Pat Agnew

Joe Agueci

Shannon Ainsworth

Boyd Aitkin

Chris Allen

Don Allen

Dan Allen

Ian Ronald Anderson

Gord Anderson

Dr. David Edward Armstrong

William "Bill" Armstrong

Barrie Arnott

Mustafa Ashar

Peter Ashby

Adwin Adisa Ashby-Walcott

Mohammad Reza Dehghani Ashkazari

Roberta Florence Atchison

Uma Atluri

Savinder Kaur Aujla

Sharada Avunje

Eloise Babington

Marty Baechler

Fouad Mohamed Baghdad

Frances Louise Bailey

Joan Baird

Geoffrey Ball

Jordan Markus Barnes

Greg Barrett

Mona Barton

Doris Beach

Wendee Beach

Hugh William and Eva E Beames

Diane Beaudin

Trudy Beaulne

David Beavis

Anne Aura “Marcelle” Bedard

Carole Begg

Michel Beland

Eric Bennet

Dr. John Bennett

Robina Bennett

Robert Bergevin

Belisario Bernabei

Stephane Bernard

Gerald Bertrand

Christopher Berwald

Charles and Olive Biggs

Charles Billington

Robert Irwin Birtch

Manuella Bjerkelund

Anne Blaiklock

Bill Blaiklock

Barry Blair

Martin Bliss

William “Bill” John Blom

Rollande Blondin

Linda “Lynne” Louise Bond

Sharon Borne

ECIVDA Financial Planning Boutique

Kenneth Haydn Bowler

Karen Bradford

Brian and Doreen Brash

Ingrid Bratkiw

Marilyn Bridgman

Joan Ryra Kathryn Broder

Gerald Browning

Theodore (Ted) Bruder

Mary Bryden

Mary Alice Bryden

Antonio Bucciarelli

Jeff Burgoyne

Earl Burnett

Russell Butler

Bronwyn Buttigieg

Luis Alberto Cabañas

Leona Cairnie

Jean Emerson (Hutchings) Caldwell

Sheila Caluori

Ida Campbell

Pierrette (Lacasse) Campbell

Art Campbell

William Canning

Marija Capin

Ann and Rick Carpenter

Lisa Carter-Rae

Diane Marie Carvish

Hazel Casgrain

Allan Castledine

Ginna Castro

Ricky Cauvier

John Cfna

Emilie Champagne

Lucas Champagne

Victor Chapman

Donna Margaret Chase

Anne Marie Chassie

Pumba Bubbayya & Dive Chitte

Myrna Kathleen Cinnamon

Terry Clarke

Tony Clarke

Ross W. Cleary

Bill Cleghorn

Lauren Clement

Ann Clements

Ernie Clements

Betty Merilyn Clouthier

Lil Cohen

Kimberly Conley

Walter Conrad

Roy Conrad

Eva Corbeil

William (Bill) Corbett

Mike Corrance

Rita Courneyea

Jennifer Cousins

Jeff Craik

Maisie Eileen Creasey

Steven Crosby

Alex Cross

Anne Crowder

Keith Crowe

Ray Cummings

Alison Cunningham

Nazario Curbelo

Emerson Curran

Robert Clare Currie

Jane Dalton

Percy “Dan” Danby

Lillian & Herman Dardick

Mark Dashnay

Liane Généreux Dastous

Irene Daviau

Finnegan David

Celia Francis Davids

Jessie Davidson

Peter Davies

Teresa-Ann Davis

William David Davis

Brenda Dawson

Albert De Boer

Isabel de Garcia

Le père de Louise

Neil Benjamin de Vries

John DeVries

Krista Debertin

John Degan

Jayne Delery

Claudette Deshaies

Rochelle Desrosiers

Melanie Dickson-Smith

Gwen Donnelly (Granny)

Tom Donoghue

Lois Dool

Leo Dooley

Patricia Ann Dooley

Adrienne Dore

Tyler Dorzyk

Benjamin Doyle

Jacinthe Marguerite Drouin

Roland Ducharme

Wilmer Dueck

Arnold Duke

Edith Dunmall

Eva Louise Dunn

Gord Durkee

Jayanthy Easwaran

Lakshmi T Easwaran

Tanner Edwards

Alison Edwards

Helen Ells

Edna May Eng

Donald Erwin

Amable & Albertine Essiembre

Heidi Ethier

Margaret Etienne

Reine Fabbro

The Persaud Family

Stephen Fanjoy

Sarah Marie's beloved father

Carol Fazzino

Antonio Fazzino

Kalman Fejes

Avery Lunn Fenn

Thelma Ferguson

Judith Fimrite

Lloyd Fleguel

Randy Fletcher

Joseph Z Fller

Josef and Katherine Focht

Paul A. Forbes

Debbie Foster

Collette Foutune

George Franklin

Helen Fraser

Jenny Freisinger

Gerardus "Gerry"& Frances Frenken

Vicki Friesen

Daniel Gadbois

Duncan Gale

Frankie Galipeau (Koostachin)

Stephen M Gallienne

Scott Gammon

Gerard Garneau

Denise (Piché) Garner

Barbara Elizabeth Garner

Alain & Maureen Gauthier

Norma Gauthier

Breeze Gauthier-Bouthiette

Heather Geddie

Micky Geller

Alok Kumar Ghosh

Helene Gibbens

Patricia Louise Gibson (Howe)

John Gillingham

Julie & Alden Glickman

Donald Goddard

Gilling Goddard

Raeanne Godding

Patricia Godin

Winston Godkin

Christa Goodland

Midge Gordon

Jeffrey Gordon

Dorene Helen Goulding

Joe Graci

Kenneth Grandy

Gary F. Grant

David Gray

Victor Grech

Darcy Green

Lawrence Greenlaw

Judith Greenshields

Paul Greensides

Margaret Griffin

Nettie Luretta Griffith

Jo-Ann Evelyn Guerrero

Tia Gunn-Abrams

Edna Gustafson

Della Jenkerson Guthrie

Richard Gordon Gutz

Daniel Hamze

Laura Hanna

Cathy Hanson

John Hanson

Elizabeth and Bill Hanson

David Hare

Ruthmary Carolyn Harris

George Stevenson Hart

Christine Hartley

Pat Heikkilä

Barry Robert Hendry

Neil & Lois Henry

Douglas Henson

Emiliano Hernandez

Ruth Herrick

John Herweyer

Margaret Herzog

Mary Higdon

Ronald Hill

Joan Hill

Kenneth and Margaret Hills

Dr. George Hobson

Gilbert & Hazel Hoffman

Jan "John" Hogeveen

Lennox Bernard Hohenkirk

Mr. Kerry Hope

Teresa Catherine Howard

Earl Hughes

Philomene Huneault

Mary Hurley

Dr. Waheed Hussain

Glenn and Faye Hutt

Peter Ide

11910957Canada Inc.

Zeinab Khatoun Irani

Sherrill Ireton

Andrew Lonsdale Irwin

Donna Israel

Sandy Conrad Jackson

Jim Jackson

Drew James

Arah Jenkins

Darren Jennekens

Charles Gerard Jetten

Ahamed Jhan & Zulla Ahamed Jhan

Kenneth Jimmo

James Jodoin

Patricia John

Alex & Marjory Johnson

Dr. Basil Johnston

Dorothy (Bette) Johnstone

Dorothy Jones

Jocelyn Jones

Gwyneth Jones

Alan Joyce

Gina & Bob Juneau

Kirk Kaiser

Penny Kamichaitis

Jerzyk Kaminski

Nickolas William Kapell

Julia Kapoor

Your mom, Kate

Charanjit Kaur

Desraj Kaushal

David Kawvnick

Gail Elizabeth Keber

John & Tiffany Keeler

James (Jim) Kelly

Olivia Nevaeh Kempt

Sarah & John Kerr

Dale Keys

Therese Kibel

Mathilde Kibel

Mitsugi Kikuchi

Rita Kiley

Cathy Kinch

Alex Kirkland

Will Klein-Swormink

Tadeusz (Tad) Kluska

Maureen Kolassa

Jennifer Borrel-Benoit and KOTR

Urszula Kubasiewicz

Elizabeth Kuzmyk

Thérèse La Salle Asselin

Ellen Muriel LaBelle (nee O'Regan)

Kathleen Lachance

Claire Lacroix

Arthur Laflamme

Stephen Lalonde

Jeffrey Lapalme

Raymond Pierre Lapointe

Barrie Laughton

Michael Lavergne

Michael Lawson

Suzanne LeBel

Muriel Leblanc

Eila Leddingham

Jessie Leduc

Sherri Leeder

Elias Legault

Bill Leighton

Nico Lemme

Sgt Jacques Leullier

Sedrick Anthony Levene

Joe Levitan

Ildiko Lewis

Cynthia (Cindy) Lewis

Hélène Tremblay Lirette

Bonnie Logan

J.B. Long

Fred Lougheed

Larry Vaughn Lowe

Wendell D. Luke

Jeri Lunney

Leo Lussier

Margaret Lynch

Patrick Lynch

Marthe Lépine

Bernice MacDonald

Douglas MacDonald

Duncan MacDougall

Bruce MacEachern

Winifred MacIntosh

Gladys Hellen MacKay

Paisley MacKinnin

John MacLaurin

John Myles MacMillan

Rosella MacNeil

Barb MacPherson

Donald I. Macdonald

Edward Macies

Don Maciver

Jeanine Maciver

Carol mackay

Kaleigh and Maddie

Leo Maisonneuve

Safia Malik

Tommasino Manfredi

Elizabeth (Beth) Manley

Bill Mantle

Gary Manton

Julie Marchand

Elsie Marcon (nee Malani)

Henry Marshall

Shirley Martell

John Masters

Earl Mather

Mary Eve Mayda

Ed Maynard

Gloria McArthur

Dorothy McCambridge

Rachel Sarah McCann

Jan McCarthy

John McClenahan

Lance McCooeye

Bryan McCue

Teresa Mary McElheran

Dick McGregor

Nancy McGregor

Jacqueline Legendre McGuinty

Bernie McGuire

Jim McIsaac

Norman McKay

Mabel “Jackie” McKeague

Vern McKeague

Kristine McKeague

Ted McLean

Kathleen McPhee

Barry McQuay

Nathaniel J.A. Meissner

Matthew Melanson

Margaret Mellon

Trish Menchini

Naomi Helen Mera

Jennifer Mercer

Ute Merritt

David M. Merry

Pauline Meyer

James Michaud

Darlene Michaud

Debra Miller

Judith Mills-Kamps

Joyce Mitchell

Edward “Ted” Moffatt

Patricia Margaret Mogan

Samy Monsour

Pina Montuoro

Sidney Charles Mooney

Julio A. Morais

Dan Moreau

Roy Moriarty

Raymonde Morin

Shelley Morries (nee McGuire)

Matthew Moulton-Devine

Klaus Mueller

Mary Margaret Muldoon

Michael Mulvihill

John Alexander Murray

Johannes (John) Nales

Jody Nassr

Gabriel Nault

John L. Nesbitt

Freda Niklas

Ed Nixon

Shirley Noah

Glenn Nobes

Eric Norenberg

Maureen Ferne O'Byrne

Elinor Saoirse O'Leary

Clarence O'Meara

Elizabeth O'Neill

William Arthur Oikle

Kristina Olinski

Jane Ormerod

Murray Ouderkirk

James J. Ovens

Darlene Overton

Yvonne Anne (Bray) O’Neill

Hank O’Shea

Duncan Stewart Paisley

Arnold B Palmer

Damodar Panday

Kanwal Jit Parbhakar

Germain Parent

Connie Parent

Bill and Marny Parish

Wanda Parlier

Mary and Basil Parsons

Mary Parsons

Mary Athol Parsons

Gaéten Paré

Harrison Pasha

Michelle Paton

Judith Patterson

George Pauk

Lynn Alice Payette

Paul Roy Pearl

Joanne Pearson

Dr. Brian Peart

Charles Joseph Pedlar

Dave Pegg

Marc J.G Pelletier

Anita Pelletier

Monica Pine

Michael H. Pineau

Franco Pino

Amy Pitchers

Nelson Plamondon

Rosa Pollacsek

Donald & Janice Poole

JK Poole

John Dwight Poolo

Marica Popovic

Radivoje Popovic

Mirdza Poruks

Jean E. Preston

Marilyn Prevost

Melford Prince

Ken Quon

William "Bill" Rabow

Muse Ahmed Rach

Treehouse Mike Racicot

Mary Rae

Anne Raine

Michel Rainville

Zacharie Raizenne

Cesar Ramos

Maria Fernanda Ramos

Maria Fernanada Ramos

Dennis Rebenchuk

Charlotte Reed

Idil Reens

Robert & Hilary Renfrew

Gwladys Reynolds

Josephine Richards

Caolyn Richer

Robin Richter

William Riley

Sheila Ripley

Mike Robinson

Irene Rockburne

Ashley Rohr

Janet Ann Watson Rolland

Mary Frances Rolland

Ione Rooney

Joan Ross

Frank Ross

Gwendolyn Rossiter

Marion Routledge

Elizabeth "Betsy" Ann Routliffe

Dan Roy

Blair Rutherford

Barbara Sable

Sareh Beigom Sadeghi

Amy Salyzyn

David Samuels

Maureen Sandrock

Grazia Santamaria

Albert Sarkozy

Gilberte Sarrazin

Precila Sarrazin

Rachid Elias Sarrouh

Elissar Sarrouh

Mary Margaret Saunders

Erin Christine Savage

Leslie John Ferguson Savery

Corky Sawyer

Brian Sawyer

Jaya Anita Spencer Saxena

Norah Isobel Olga Schafer

Louise Schmelzer

Edith Schmidt

Lorraine Schneider

Mark Scott

Reda Sefiani

Percy Sentner

Cindy Sezlik

Frank Shaver

Baby Shaw

Richard Shaw

Dr. Soheir George Shenouda

Jean Shepherd

Emmett Shields

Steve Shipley

Heather Shipley

Joan Ruth Shorey

Parwez Siddiqui

George Sigmund

Francine Simard

Raymond Arthur Simard

Louis Sirois

Dorothea Skinner

Gary Skirving

Vernon Roy Slaney

Joe Slater

Audrey R. Slider

Moishe Smith

Darry Smith

Oaklee Sneddon

Josiah Jacob James Somerton

Laura Sookocheff

Tim Sookocheff

Jean Sorensen

Barbara Eileen Sorfleet

Kendall Souksanh

Lynda Soulier and Gerry Soulier

Konstantinos Spiropoulos

Richard St. Onge

Patrick Stacey

Mark Stanton

Verna Muriel Steele

Tom Stevinson

Mary Stone

Lynne Storie

Domenic Stranges

Ben Strottman

Ryan Su

Russell Suitor

Mary Surtees

Kelly Suschinsky

John Swayze

Nancy Lee Sylvester-Grant

Mulla Hatem Taheri

Jean Tattersall

Herbert & Elizabeth Taylor

Fayrouza Telej

Lorna Tener

Barbara Thain

Ted Thompson

Lorraine Throop

Andrew (Andy) Tilley

William (Bill) Gerard Dubrule Tobin

Franca Toffolo

Garth Tourangeau

Constance Trenholm

Terry Triemstra

Robert "Bob" Trudel

Angela Tucker

Henry David Turner

Carol Vahey

James Vaillancourt

Douglas John Van Hamme

Hendrika (Ricky) van Rens

Lambert van Rens

Daniel Van Vliet

Mary VanLoon

Ram Prakash Varma

Brenda Vaughan

Lydia Velasco

Linda Villalba

Danielle Vinson

Kathleen Walker

Gordon Walt

Gregory Charles Wardlaw

Paul Wark

Neil and Margaret Waterhouse

Ron Watson

Irene Waxman

Reya Bridget Maren Way

Joseph and Jacoby Weiler

Max Weinstein

Frances Elizabeth Wersch

Mabel "Bunty" Pearl Wheatley

Jim White

Monica B. Whittingstall

Phil Whittingstall

Paula Willette

Eric Williams

Iain Wilson

Gary Winkler

May Wong

Caroline Frances Wood

Kevin Rodger Wood

David William Woodland

Lisa Woodrow-O’Connor

Florence Wordock

Jack (John) Henry Wynter

Dennise Yarema

Denise Yaternick

Philip Yates

Rukhshanda Zakir Yousaf

Gerald and Gertrude Zettel

James mcJannet

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