There are some things in life that most of us agree should never change … like peaceful natural areas, for example, away from the hustle and bustle of today’s modern city life. Forest walks, public beaches, outdoor lessons for kids, safe havens for birds, fish and wildlife and healthy rivers and lakes.
Since 1970, the Rideau Valley Conservation Foundation has protected these places and opportunities — places of natural beauty, environmental value and spiritual replenishment. The Foundation needs your help to keep our environment clean and healthy. We rely on the goodwill of individuals who believe that some things in life should never change.
Your gifts are used in many different and important ways. You can give to our very important endowment funds — where your gift ensures a lasting legacy to protect natural spaces. Gifts of money, property or in-kind services are also greatly appreciated. All gifts are important and all gifts receive a charitable tax receipt. And, most importantly, all gifts help us plan for the future so that the things you value will never change.
There are many ways you can help support our environmental work.