
Free workshops in Westport and Sandy Hill to explore benefits of estate donations

RIDEAU VALLEY, July 24, 2024 – Estate planning can be complicated, but two upcoming workshops can help ease your mind about one important aspect: how to maximize your legacy while supporting causes close to your heart.

The Rideau Valley Conservation Foundation (RVCF) will host two Planned Giving workshops this summer alongside local financial experts and estate lawyers from IG Wealth Management and Kelly Santini LLP. These free coffee hours will include presentations and Q&As about the impact of charitable donations on estate taxes, capital gains and other considerations.

The first workshop will be held at the Westport Community Arena on Thursday, Aug. 22 from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. The second will take place at the Sandy Hill Community Centre on Thursday, Sept. 12. Registration is required.

It’s a common misconception that leaving charitable donations in your will cuts into your loved ones’ inheritance. In fact, even modest donations can actually increase your estate’s net worth, as they reduce what the estate must pay in taxes, capital gains and other costs. In this way, planned giving is a powerful way to leave a meaningful legacy without sacrificing how you provide for your family’s future. 

The workshops will use real-life examples to explore the pros and cons of common donation types, including financial donations, appreciated securities, surplus life insurance policies and land donations. 

Land donation will be a unique estate planning topic at the workshops, as the Foundation is a certified land trust committed to protecting donated properties in perpetuity. Land donations to the Foundation usually include natural features like shorelines, wetlands or forests, or provide habitat for species at risk. The estate receives a charitable tax receipt for the fair-market value of the property, which significantly offsets estate taxes, while also avoiding increased capital gains.

Financial and estate planning experts will be available to answer any questions throughout the workshop. Participants are not obligated to donate to the Foundation or to work with IG Wealth Management or Kelly Santini LLP.  

Participation is free, but registration is required as space is limited. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to RSVP to either workshop (please specify in your email) or register through EventBrite at the links below: 


Sandy Hill (Ottawa):

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